
邀请函去美国申请签证快吗 美国工作签证邀请函

来源:杨老师 时间:2023.05.22 12:01:37 浏览量:29

Dear Consulate General,

I am writing to invite my (friend/relative/colleague) [insert name] to visit me in the United States. [Insert name] is a citizen of [insert country] and has expressed a strong desire to experience American culture and explore the country.

During their visit, [insert name] will be staying with me at my home [insert address] and I will be responsible for their accommodations, food, and transportation. [Insert name] will also be financially responsible for their own expenses during their stay.

My relationship with [insert name] is [insert relationship]. I have known [insert name] for [insert number of years] and can vouch for their character and trustworthiness. [Insert name] has a job as [insert occupation] and has no intention of staying in the United States beyond the duration of their visit.

During their stay, [insert name] plans to visit [insert tourist attractions or landmarks] and experience the local culture. [Insert name] will also be attending [insert any events or activities planned] while in the United States.

I kindly request that you grant [insert name] a tourist visa to the United States. I assure you that [insert name] will comply with all visa regulations and will return to their home country upon the completion of their visit.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]




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